Dear Jenny,
I have returned home after attending the Bee Conference in the Netherlands.
I would have like to have spoken to you in person. However, I’ll write instead.
One very memorable comment came from you, challenging us all to stop beekeeping, & eating honey! I sensed your frustration & it is a great pity alternative views were not presented to make us all think about what we do with bees.
I for one am now reflecting on what you said. It is not comfortable & it will take me time to consider how I may return the colonies I have back into Hampshire’ s trees.
I thank you for making me think!
Warm regards,
Dear Jenny,
I have returned home after attending the Bee Conference in the Netherlands.
I would have like to have spoken to you in person. However, I’ll write instead.
One very memorable comment came from you, challenging us all to stop beekeeping, & eating honey! I sensed your frustration & it is a great pity alternative views were not presented to make us all think about what we do with bees.
I for one am now reflecting on what you said. It is not comfortable & it will take me time to consider how I may return the colonies I have back into Hampshire’ s trees.
I thank you for making me think!
Warm regards,